The times we are living in now are tough... interesting... controversial... beautiful... The list goes on for eternity, & those who are truly on the path of self-discovery are asking the big questions about how they can truly make a difference in this seemingly chaotic world. There is this tone flying through the air, calling us all to focus our vision on the greater patterns & the bigger picture that is truly on the tips of our tongues & at our fingertips.... We are all craving this big change, but ultimately the greatest form of activism you can partake in is the transformation of the SELF & from that place of purity & passion, the crystallization will ripple out in everything you do, CREATING an epically beautiful world living in balance, peace & integrity. Eagle vision is a vital component of our collective awakening. Personally, this is why it was such an honor to receive the Hopi Eagle Transmission from Ruben & his family. Preserving & sharing indigenous medicine & wisdom is an extremely controversial & sensitive matter as many native communities around the world are still in the process of determining whether or not to share certain information with others outside of their culture. I sat humbly with Ruben & his family in his home on the Hopi Reservation & he shared many stories of his trials & triumphs of sharing his presence, teachings, dances & family in such a vulnerable way. In my eyes, he was a man of humble wisdom & beyond anything he had a sparkle in his eye which was focused on the greater purpose he is fulfilling by courageously carrying his message, regardless of those who did not believe in him or challenged his motives. His family blessed this WHOLE space & opened the hearts of so many people who are all yearning for there to be PEACE between all people, so we can collectively take care of each other & the Earth. Sharing the essence of the magical moment, is the least I can do to share this powerful CALL TO ACTION. ACTion of heart. ACTion of knowing. ACTion of wisdom beyond barriers. It is with Great compassion, that I share this POWERFUL transmission with all my relations. The Hopi Eagle Dance Blesses the EarthWalk Medicine channel & ONE tribe. Of course witnessing in person, these magical, sacred moments of life where people gather to grow & amplify spirit is the most preferred way to receive wisdom & inspiration. BUT the truth is there is SO MUCH beauty & expansion happening ALL over the planet at rapid rates. It is nearly impossible to witness it ALL in person, & so we use this worldwide web as a gauge of the collective heart, hard at work. Now, we have these portals of technology to share with one another the collective cooperation & incremental steps of growth we are all participating in as one human family. When we use these portals in a good way, LIFE, LOVE, VITALITY, HOPE, REMEMBERING, COURAGE, & DETERMINATION are all fueled into the one beating heart of the Earth + the lightning & thunder of the collective web of consciousness. To receive the FULL MEDICINE of this video transmission, watch in full screen HD, with head phones... FOUR WAYS TO SHARPEN YOUR EAGLE VISION 1. Drop the microscope & pick up the telescope, Eagle vision does not get stuck or hung up on fine details, this medicine is more interested in the vastness of possibilities & staying focused on the larger patterns at play. "Keep your WHY close." 2. Implement a NEW practice to connect to your Spirit: Prioritize your connection with your Soul & your interconnectedness to all beings on a daily basis.. Eagle is the messenger straight from source, the bird who soars through the skies & delivers truth, healing, humble power directly from the Great Spirit. 3. "Keep your WHY close" as we refine our visions, projects, purpose, it is very important to be SUPER CLEAR on "WHY" you are dedicating your life & time to that purpose. Clearly articulate your "WHY" & surround yourself with it in your daily life with pictures, mantras, altars, etc. 4. Spend more time with community- Eagle medicine soars above & can see the wellbeing of the communities, where some areas are thriving & others that are suffering. Eagle medicine knows the more we dedicate & share with our communities the happier & healthier the collective consciousness expands. All humans thrive through connection. May we all come together & co-create a world we walk in present peace & are proud to birth our grandchildren into. As that is the GRAND VISION we are all striving to fulfill. Thank you to all who made this this amazing Hopi Eagle Dance transmission available for all to know & see how the collective mind is working together to generate peace. Share this Medicine with those who are on their true heart path, May the Eagle vision be with us all, during this time of the Great Transition. With love, Your sister, Brynn
1 Comment
12/13/2022 12:18:10 pm
This was lovely, thanks for sharing
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